PD Ports

PD Ports play a critical role in ensuring the UK remains competitive in global trade, and are fundamental in the delivery of national priorities centred around high quality jobs, energy security, thriving communities and the journey to net zero. They are unwavering in their commitment to investing in their infrastructure and our people.

Employing 1,400 people nationwide, the organisation owns and operates 11 locations, stretching from Teesport and Hartlepool in the North to Thames and the Isle of Wight in the South. Combined with its extensive expertise and comprehensive services, these sites are strategically positioned to unlock key markets and drive business growth. Its trusted network of international partners further extends its impact, enabling services to be delivered across Europe and beyond.

However, the organisation is much more than a port company and shipping services provider. As the Statutory Harbour Authority for Teesport and the Port of Hartlepool, it oversees all vessel traffic, river management, channel depth, and the designated Harbour Police. This jurisdiction includes a 12-mile stretch of the River Tees and a three-mile section into the North Sea.

For more information head over to their website: https://www.pdports.co.uk/about/


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