TVEd Young Journalists – Wilton

The play leaders at Wilton Primary Academy come from the Y5/6 class, and they work extremely hard to make the younger children happy at lunchtimes. These play leaders try their very best to keep Wilton’s sports program running, and the games are becoming more creative and successful each week. The idea for this came from the school council, and we all enjoyed being trained on how to lead games. The children attended a specific training session to learn the games and how to involve the younger children. The amazing Y5/6 children are deeply enjoying the concept of being play leaders and shared very positive comments when asked about the role. The children playing these interesting games are showing respect to the leaders, and no teacher has ever had to step in.

Some of the play leaders said to us: “I really enjoy sport and am excited to continue next year!” “I find play leading fun, but sometimes it can be a bit chaotic!”

“I enjoy playing the games and leading them, but sometimes the games can get a bit old, so we change them a bit.”

These events happen at Wilton Primary Academy’s school playground at lunchtime outside. Games include Andy’s Coming, a game that involves lying on the floor; Treasure Chest, which involves running to get equipment; Lion King, which is a bit like Bulldog; and dodgeball, with much softer balls so the children don’t get hurt.

Written by: Sophia Hassan and Alice Tibbett.


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