Trust Curriculum Impact

As a Trust we continue to raise the expectation of our children and the quality of work they produce from a well-rounded and connected curriculum, where our children develop detailed knowledge and skills. We ensure there are always opportunities for the application of learning within and across the different subjects. It follows that there will be a greater emphasis on the learning behaviours and attitudes of our children as they underpin our curriculum model. We regularly compare our curriculum model to the guidance set out by the Department of Education in the national curriculum.

Impact can be viewed through three lenses, taking into consideration our curriculum pathways, to ensure there is an integrated approach to a clear triangulation and quality assurance from both an academy and trust perspective.

 Assessment ToolsDataAccountability
Formal– Assessment for learning
– Triangulation of a range of sources
– Children self-assessment and metacognition
– Moderation
– Trust Assessment timetable termly and annually (AoL)
Data tracking and analysis follows the same format, however the data systems will change dependant on the pathway

– Data suite (progress and attainment)
– Tracking – termly, since last benchmark and from entry
– Analysis – termly, yearly
– Pupil progress meetings, including a focus on vulnerable learners
– Progress matrices pathway (cohort, phase, school)
– Comparisons and benchmarks – FFT, quintiles, national & regional
– Case study approach
– Pupil voice
– Parental voice
– Staff voice
– Staff efficacy and competency in curriculum delivery
– Monitoring of teaching and learning
– Personalised staff support
– Academy progress meetings
– EHCP reviews and impact
– Impact of CPD plan
– Impact statement from PPG
Quality assurance – internal and external
– Governance
– Challenge Board
– Standards Committee
Semi-FormalAll of the above, plus:
– Pivats personalised assessment”
Informal/ EYFS SEND– MAPP personalised assessments

The Trust ensures a framework for excellence in learning and teaching that is reflected in every academy, in every class, consistently across all our trust. This practice, expertise and proven outcomes over many years is pivotal to the success of our children, especially our vulnerable learners.

We use a rigorous triangulated monitoring system over the course of the year to gauge the impact of our curriculum design. Alongside the Trust Improvement Team, the academy senior leadership team, subject leaders and co-ordinators, who are also key members of Trust Subject networks, monitor the individual subjects: reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing individual feedback to move practice forward, celebrating positives as well as highlighting areas of development.


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